Ok....after a talk with a couple of my friends...I came to an interesting question that was asked of me by my GF. And it is.."what is gonna happen to all my stuff when I croak?" Normally it is just a question most don't think about..or even wanna think about. But after last years most recent close call for me....It made me really ponder it. I asked my daughter (age 14)...and she said she didn't know much about them and would probably sell them off for like 50 bucks a bike:doah:. Which made me almost fall over hearing that. And since I am not married...and my GF has no clue about the stuff. My brother really has no clue about them accept for Ruttmans...and my nieces and nephew couldn't care less for the stuff at this point. And basically thats all my family I have. So I ask you...what would you do with it or who would you leave it to? Charity? Nobody? Government? Have a big "come get a free bike day" in my will? Or just not care and don't worry about it?. :shrug:. Not trying to sound morbid....but I am really pondering this.