Looks like my heart took me out of the build off this year. I had a Fox Campus to do and unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how one views it
I will have to have open heart on February 2nd.
So I have been advised they will implant leads for a pacemaker. Oh joy!! That may end my welding career. What research I have done is that the consensus is no more welding.
My question to the group is; Has anyone had a pacer implanted and still mig welds. Any problems, any advise on how to do it? Any info at all from experience.
Looks like my heart took me out of the build off this year. I had a Fox Campus to do and unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how one views it
So I have been advised they will implant leads for a pacemaker. Oh joy!! That may end my welding career. What research I have done is that the consensus is no more welding.
My question to the group is; Has anyone had a pacer implanted and still mig welds. Any problems, any advise on how to do it? Any info at all from experience.