What have you done?


Active Member
Ok, I know we have the "What do you do" thread to take care of the present but what about the past? Those of you in the witness protection program need not reply.

I'll start.....
fast food cook
poultry butcher in a chicken factory
fireman for 12 years
camp counselor
car salesman
mechanic at a Toyota dealership
electronic technician
cellular engineer
chief technical director for a large wireless company
small business starter/owner four times

Who is next????
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Lets see.........

Foreman at apple orchard
Detailed police cars
Cook at steak house
Electronic Tech
Night auditor at hotel
Manager at Hotel
Warehouse manager for furniture companies
Restuarant general manager
Owned commercial pressure washing and steam cleaning business
Plant supervisor at wheel factory
Production manager at a different wheel factory

Freelance Gynocologist :clap:
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Active Member
i started off at about 16 working in a silkscreen print shop printing mostly t shirts, did that for about 11 years, then hopped around a few other warehouse type jobs, got laid off from a good one, then went to work for save a lot at their in house print shop print all of their store signage, but my boss was a total ass, so after 5 years of hell went back to the decent warehouse job, to get laid off again after 2 1/2 years, then worked a few places that were not for me, and about 1 1/2 years ago got a call from my old boss at the decent warehouse job, so i am back again, third times a charm, but now my back is all messed up. it figures the company i am at now has had record sales last year, i got plenty of seniority, great bosses, benefits, and a screwed up back.


Well-Known Member
Grew up on a dairy farm & helped with my Dads Trucking Co.
grocery/bakery/deli clerk during high school & college
household appliance repair tech
funeral home staff/general maintenance man
Parks & Recreation Supervisor/Community Center Manager since 1992


Well-Known Member
I am probably the exception here

3 months doing as a grill cook at steak and shake
1 year as a route driver with an f550 box truck
3 years as a purchasing manager for the company I am still working for(total of 10 years with them)

The reason I left steak and shake is because I could no longer cut grass and do odd jobs. I made more money doing those things.


Well-Known Member
Not enough space. I am old and have done a lot in a lot of different places. From root beer to pizza to tatoos to augmentation mammoplasties to spinal fusions to ass kisser. That's what medicine has turned into. Ass kissin.
WoW what a question I do not really know where I would start and im sure as alot here, There are some very experienced well seasoned members here!! I have found as I get older the seasoned ones are the friends I love to listen to... the younger ones may not get that, but a few really have something to say, and I truly respect those!! I will save all the drama of my life to a bit of a pictorial feel free to add your own captions...

Then I woke up and I realised the best thing I ever made.



Growing up is optional

Dad.....Yes Quinn.....How come the grounds all.....crunchy sounding?!
That's the sound of speed Son!
Is that a helicopter shot?
Yes, and its actually harder than you think... the damn boats are way faster than the helicopter so you have to get the boat on top of water slow down let the helicopter catch up keep it on plane and make it look fast... let them take the pics, suck your gut in to not look so fat and keep your eyes off of the models eyes....
Worked at Lockheed Skunk Works in Burbank Ca. from 1980-1989 painting the F 117-A. Had a top security clearance. Probably would still be working there if OSHA and the AQMD hadn't ran them out of Burbank.
prepcook, dishwasher, frycook, short order cook, security guard, production worker at master spas, punch press operator, college student, etc. at 44 years old i have had a variety of jobs.