your totally right on about high dollar egos, it ruined muscle cars for me. I found hot rods as an alternative, building with what you got or find parts in the junk yards or barns or making parts out of junk, ect. I didnt really need this engine but it was such a deal I couldnt pass on it. on the plus side I have an ol reliable briggs flat head laying around waiting for my next bike. Reason I get a kick out of your project yellowhand is because you used your skills and what you had, not your wallet. theres alot of cool stuff like that on this site I love that stuff! Now I got a question about this engine. I bolted mine to a piece of wood and it is pretty close to level maybe not dead on, but when I fired it up for the first time it runs with the choke on but as soon as I open up the choke it dies instantly, do I need to warm it up for a while or is that low oil level sensor? It has enough oil, Its a little higher than the middle of the dip stick. any ideas?