Will This Work With My Baja Warrior?

I believe anything you would need like the tank would swap right over from your gx200 clone... So unbolt the old. Bolt on the new and swap anything else.
For the money I would just buy a 212 from harbour freight and leave it alone as built.

Later you can add things if you like, but in the here and now a stock predator is as good as the BSP motor.

BSP engines are generaly well put together and consistent from one to another.
This makes them good racing engines for stock classes.
But a minibike does not care if its a racing engine or regular production engine all things being abou equal.

When you start doing things to the 212 like carb adjustments, such you may find its a better platform because its a little bigger.


New Member
You don't think I would need a "swap kit" or something?
You are replacing a 196cc clone with another 196cc clone so no. Just take all the items that you need off of your current engine. I suggest doing was NOS says and buy a predator. That way you can have a running motor out of the box for way less than the box stock motor.
Good to see that a company knowingly sells a bomb. :thumbsup:
Its not a bomb....

Its a very good engine but its a BOX STOCK engine.

That means it was intended for a controllled class of kart racing.
Read the product details on ebay.

You will notice it quotes a lot of very specific technical specifications for the engine.
These are things you would never find out from Harbour freight or Princess auto.

In this controlled class of racing the engines must not have srping stiiffer than 10.8 pounds, the combustion chamber volume must be no smaller than 27cc, bore and stroke and must not exceed Honda stock numbers.
This keeps the racing fair and drivers honest.

Under kart racing conditions with the correct gearing the lack of a billet rod is not so much of an issue ( innfact forcing the use of stock keeps the cost down ).
The flywheel however is non negotiable in this class of racing and many of the engines come with a steel billet already installed ( also part of the BSP class ).

So ya these are good engines, just not the most cost effective for minibikes.