Works in a Pinch!


Active Member
Hey Fellas, I've had this brain teaser in my mind for a while and I'm probably not the first. There has been a taco kickstand on my desk that I wanted to copy and every time I saw it there, I'd wonder "what can I do to get that pinch detail on there?". Well, after a lot of head scratching, brainstorming, trial and error, and a couple of broken tools, I finally got it. Well, I should say "we got it", since my dad and brother helped me out. It was a team effort. It wasn't easy, but now instead of staring at this kickstand wondering how on earth I'm going to make it. Now, I get to look at it and say, "yeah, I can do that". Experience is a great teacher! :smile:

Here is a pick of my pinch next to the original.

And a couple of the longer one, just in case I get my hands on a T100 someday. :thumbsup:
