This is for sale locally, advertised as a 1978 Heald Three Wheeler. Don’t know much about these. Is it supposed to have a box? Is it cobbled? Is it worth restoring?They are asking $800
I have a couple of those, not nearly in that good of shape. Mine both have, i guess yo would all them carriers over each wheel. One is a 10 hp and the other is a 16 hp 2 cylinder. If it starts and drives, I think that is a fair price.
I would buy it because those are Great Trykes. I have 2 of them. Too bad the original motor is not there but most of the important stufff is. there were several variants. I would suggest looking at the media section under " Heald " You will see lots of different stuff there. There is also a Facebook group dedicated strictly to Heald machines
free to join. some of the top guys here are also members of that group.
I dont know much on there price value but if it had a belly mower attachment under it i bet $800 wouldn't touch it. It would cut a ball field up pretty quick for sure.
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