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  • Paul,
    I wanted to be there bad, I just could not put it together....

    TT Out~
    thinking about selling the my race Rupp to get one of those Powell's, very nice riding , great little trail bike and might make a descent race bike with some better brakes?. I hate that rear brake lever. first time down a hill on James Powell I went down forgot where it was at and went straight in to a bush. I also have a little two stroke WestBend motor powered minibike we think was made in England that no one so far can identify? even Eviled,Edwin,Dave and others don't know what it is? I,ll bring it to sell on Funday. Going to sell Wyatt's doddlebug race bike also because I dont want him getting hurt since he's playing high school soccer!
    what cu building now? I have been hanging out with drag bikes guys down there in long beach since its close, and the drag bike thing is kind of fun, to listen to those nice sounding fast motors but I still like the dirt better! I have this little tiny minibike with a WestBend two stroke motor that so far no body can tell me what it is? so I might post pictures to see if any one can recognize it. I,ll try to get it going to bring to your place on fun day?.
    im going to take care of it. remember how i said i clicked the wrong account for the funds, it was an old account that i used to use. now i have my paypal tied to another one. i told you i was a knucklehead. i will fix when i get home. i still want the shirt.
    Paul!:smile: It was good to see you today at the Drags!:pimp: Congrats on that "Powell" buy you got:thumbsup: I can't believe thats the original motor:hammer: Sounds good!:drinkup:
    I especially like that "Ring & Pinion" Throttle set-up! Very trick!:thumbsup:
    Take care!:001_cool:
    He assured me today that i will have it before friday and i didn't push it, expecting to see you saturday at Perris. The weather is making that a maybe, but somehow we will hook up Big Boy?)
    You have to come and see! You are going to kill me - we had a terrible day today, advertisers dropping out at the last second, etc., very stressful - i forgot the seat again! I just left a voice message at my office to remind me monday! SORRY!!
    No 3" er yet! Come flattracking, you prefer it and we like you there with us!
    Sorry about forgetting the seat! He did tell me last friday he was trying to get the small gold piping! Mas info manana!!
    I finished the turntable! Way too cool - two spotlights and all on remote control, so i can sit in my office and fire it up - it is a few feet outside the glass door from my office and so with the shop lights off it looksuper!!
    good to see your busy at work!! i dont know which one im racing yet. i dont like the new fees at perris flat track, just to get spanked by rpms stroker!! can i race your 3 inch against him????? and another note. i dont like mx as much. we will see.
    Holy crap, i have been so swamped at work I forgot. I'll go next door tomorrow and see!
    On the 26th, are you racing with us at the flattrack or Numb Nuts MX???
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