
  1. David wulf

    Looking for harley davidson x90

    Wanting a harley X90 , prefer it be fully restored or in original perfect condition . The better it is the less i have to do .
  2. SimpleTom

    1962 Briggs and Stratton Harley Davidson edition miniibike Very Rare !!

    :facepalm: Briggs Straton Harley Davidson Mini Bike 1962 | eBay
  3. R

    1973 Harley Davidson X90

    This is an AMF Harley Davidson X90 mini bike. 90cc. (was said to go 55mph) I was restoring this bike (about 98% done) and then got laid off, so I need the money. The bike is not running at the moment. The engine was freshly rebuilt, the whole bike was striped and re assembled with new parts or...
  4. bandit 40

    Not Another Harley Davidson

    Harley Davidson mini bike
  5. B

    1973 harley Davidson 90x wont start

    i have a 1973 harley davidson 90x that wont kick start but when i pull it with a car and drop it to first it will start right up does any one have any ideas why this is happening
  6. B

    1973 harley Davidson 90x NEED HELP!!!!

    I just bought a 1973 Harley Davidson 90x mini bike i got the bike to run and it will switch gears up to second but when i switch it to third it bogs its self out does any one have an idea what it might be
  7. T

    1973 Harley Davidson (Aermacchi) Frame

    1973 Harley Davidson X-90 Frame I have listed on Green Bay CL a 1973 AMF Harley X-90 Frame s/n 2D15175H3 This is a nice frame no cracks or rust. The footpeg mounts are slightly bent. Someone started sandbasting the frame and is being sold as is. There is No title for this frame but will...
  8. T

    1973 Harley Davidson X-90 (Aermacchi)

    I picked up a '73 Harley X-90 the other day. The bike is missing all the wiring including the ignition, clutch & brake cables and levers, air filter, speedo cable and some misc smalls. The motor is complete and turns over but the s/n does not match the frame. The frame is nice, no rust or...
  9. My garage

    My garage

    pic of my garage. i have a thing for 2 wheeled vehicles :)
  10. T

    Harley Davidson Mini Chopper

    Does anyone know where I can find printed material about this bike. Wiring diagram, engine details stuff like that.
  11. D

    Harley Davidson Mini Bike

    How do you remove the flywheel to get to the points?
  12. D

    74 Harley Davidson x90

    Where can I get info...repair manual...specs...parts?
  13. fonz

    Fonz' Hardly a Davidson

    I don't know how many pics I can post at a time but here's my new Hardly! The seat you might recognize from Harbor Freight. It's the saddle stool LOL!! What a great seat for 80 bucks. Fits my big butt just fine!! New HF engine,HP intake, jets and exhaust.Comet #30 converter with 62 tooth...
  14. The Restore Kid

    Harley Davidson golf cart clutch

    Figured it was worth a try.. :shrug: Need the inner sheave of the driver clutch for the old three wheeled Harley golf karts. has a v-belt pulley cut into the outer edge for genestart, runs both ways, falls off, stupid Harley Golf Cart clutch... :hammer:
  15. wild cat

    parts for 73 X90 harley davidson mini bike

    I'm looking for parts for a harley shortster X90 anybody have any site to go to or any parts
  16. NewAge

    Harley Davidson is building a plant in India

    http://articles.cnn.com/2010-11-04/world/india.bikes_1_india-market-harley-davidsons-haryana?_s=PM:WORLD What a joke, and all that bullsh*t that HD rams down the publics throat that they are made in the USA and they are Americas motorcycle and support the troops and buy American, blah, blah...
  17. jeep4me

    NOS Harley Davidson throttle control grips

    I have a NOS set of "Harley Davidson" throttle control grips for sale. They will fit 1" tubing and are still in the original package (opened by me but never used). I got them from a friend and realized they were the wrong size for my El Burro. Looking to sell for $40 or trade for a different...
  18. M

    1965 Harley Davidson M65

    Is that considered a minibike? Looks like I get one on Wednesday for $100 .. said to be 98% complete.. but we shall see..
  19. C

    1971 Italian Harley Davidson Rapido 125cc-- Excellent condition!

    Italian made 1971 Harley Davidson Rapido 125cc. Excellent condition, runs and drives great! Unique vintage piece perfect for any Harley or bike collector! - Motor completely rebuilt (rebuild receipts and manual included) - Original paint - Original tires (in good condition, usable, no...
  20. wayne

    Harley davidson

    My 1922-1923 HD yard art is on fleaybay,but it is not doing good,is in the wrong catagory,if it dont sell i will list it were it belongs,motorcycles. good night you all, got to get up extra early for my am paper rout. your frend wayne.:thumbsup::thumbsup: