
  1. M

    Wanted dyno 110 DRAG cam for raptor.

    Hey all I'm looking for a 110 DRAG cam for a briggs raptor engine. I live in CT and I am willing to pay around $50 for it. Thanks in advance.
  2. Clayon

    Wanted: Dyno 94ss Cam for 5hp Briggs FH

    Hi I am looking for a Dyno 94ss cam for my 5hp Briggs & Stratton flathead. Thanks. :thumbsup:
  3. suicycle

    Let's see your dyno sheet.

    This thread is going to be used as a buyers guide and or for comparative purposes, ie bragging rights, so those that those that decide in the future to purchase a built motor can make a more informed decision. Starting off, my motor is an modified 3 with the racing package, specifically...
  4. nicwoods6

    Who Wants a Dyno Sheet??

    Hey all, R&S Machine and Nic Woods Racing have teamed up to offer small engine dyno tunning.. If anybody is intrested, please private message, call or email 'Nic' for pricing and availability. Thanks. Nic Woods 714 523-0530 nicwoods6@yahoo.com Located in Buena Park, Ca
  5. Clayon

    Homemade Dyno

    Any of you guys built a homemade dyno for you engines? I've heard of it being done, and would kinda like to build one but I am not sure where to start. Any help or info would be great. :thumbsup:
  6. D

    dyno cams throttle shaft

    I order a bs machined thottle shaft with a metal bracket on top instead of the black plastic bracket but the shaft is to short for my carb and the butterfly wont fit in the slot. Anyone ever have this problem before if so what did you do?
  7. KustomKartKid

    Mini Bike Dyno ??

    Well ok…..so it’s not really a “Dyno”…..it’s just a bunch of old Go-Kart parts cobbled together…:rolleyes:…...but it’s fun to play with, there’s an ever present element of danger to it, and it has actually proven to be a very useful device. Now raise your hand if you’ve ever tried to...
  8. ianmanning26

    heads up regarding the .265 dyno cam

    just a heads up to everyone out there thinking about buying the .265 dyno cam. the website, (arc) said that it is a drop in and go part that will fit into a gx200 or 6.5 clone with no modification or grinding. this is not the case, at least in my experience. i installed mine last night, went to...
  9. JamnJM

    OC / So Calif. shops that can dyno tune these clones & Predator engines?

    Are there any OC / So Calif. shops that can dyno tune these clones & Predator engines? ACVW I know tons of those shops but I doubt their dynos go that low in HP. Any idea if Burris does them?
  10. S

    dyno 126

    adjustable steel billet new 85.00 shipped
  11. graygoose420

    dyno cams billet 310

    I'm posting this cam for a friend. It's brand new never ran. For a Gx 160/200 or clone 310 lift 246 duration. 145 $ pick up only.
  12. 68chevelle

    Dyno Race Bike w/6.5

    I am building this bike to race on Oct 22 at the Grange Cart Track in California. The motor is stock cuz the 15 year old Wolf junior will be racing it. It should be a good runner and is turning out nice.
  13. MB165

    dyno room, major fail

    I wonder what happened to the guy that built this one::doah: Engine Explosion dyno room - YouTube
  14. MB165

    03ss dyno cam question/ my first flat head build

    Can anyone tell me how hot a dynocams 03-SS cam is? IE is it for big valves, high rpms, mid range etc.??? Is it hard on lifter bores? Is there a better choice for this build: I have a ball brg PTO, iron sleeve block. I want a good all around motor for dirt trails, in a DB30 or Azusa type frame...
  15. Peyote_Pete

    .265 Dyno cam for trade

    Make me an offer
  16. 125ccCrazy

    116 dyno cam 5hp Briggs

    adjustable 116 billet dyno cam... 417 lift very good shape $50 plus ship or trade
  17. M

    94ss dyno cam

    i have a briggs 5hp and want to put a 94ss cam in it and i cam across this on the internet. "Billet lifters are not required but new valves are needed to achieve proper valve lash.":shrug: Anyone know what type of valves i need to get the proper valve lash?
  18. 8

    Hydraulic Engine Dyno

    Hyrdraulic engine dyno, comes with excel program for hp and torque. Very good shape located in Indiana $550. Call or text for questions or pictures as I dont get on here much
  19. novanick63

    110 drag billet adjustable dyno cam

    wanting a 110 drag dyno billet adjustable camshaft.
  20. mmisterbungl

    .275 Dyno Cam for Clone/Honda Engines

    Used .275 lift Dyno Cam. I ran this cam in my clone engine for about 6 hours run time. With the other mods that I had done on my engine, I achieved 7500RPM with it. $55 shipped. Please send a PM if you're interested, that's the quickest way to get a response.