22 mm Mikuni Carb Question

Ok, Built motor changed jets adjusted needle etc... Engine starts that's Not the problem...But I have to feather the throttle to get it to pop over.........But won't idle without me,holding throttle open a bit..

my question is....Where's the Damn Idle screw,on,the carb?.....I need to set it a bit higher to get the engine to turn over...Pictures speak 1000s words thank you



Well-Known Member
There is a screw on the side, centerline with the slide, that will move the slide up when turned in. Pull the slide out and you will see it. I can't really tell from the pics because you are nearly as fine a photog as I am!
there are two adjustments for the idle on the opposite side from your picture is a screw where the slide barrel is it usually had a blur pen mark across it, that screw adjusts the slide height so if you have to open the throttle to keep it running turn that screw in a quarter turn at a time to increase throttle opening. once it is running you need to adjust the idle air mixture screw. it is on the bottom of the carb look for a recessed brass screw you adjust that to get the best idle then screw it in a tiny bit. That screw should be between 1/2 turn to 2turns at most. Opening the air screw leans it and closing it enriches it. That screw works in conjunction with the pilot jet so if you fall out of that adjustment range you may need to change the pilot.
Ok awesome guys thank you ...Yes there is a blue Mark on the side.

Thanx a lot.........I have another main jet an slow jet as well
I'll let you know how things work when,I have more time to play with it....thanks Again

I have to say When she did stay running man,oh man did it give out a nice Puurrrrr sounds sexy! Straight piped it