Google search and OldMiniBikes

I've notice that the Google search doesn't seem to pick-up anything from the OldMiniBikes forum any more. I'm not referring to the "Google custom search" on the top of the page. A few years back, if you posted a photo of a mini bike and used all the headings in the photo section, the photo would show up on a Google search.:eek:ut: I was just wondering what happened with that? Not sure anybody else has noticed this. Just wondering.
also,even if you do find a google link,and are not signed in nor a member of the site,
it will not let you see any pics if they are hosted onsite.
this has to be less than useful to the new people who are trying to find parts/id bikes. online,
and may cost the OldMiniBikes a bit of traffic as well.

nother thought,
is it possible to get the Similar posts section at the bottom to reflect more Current posts instead of 3-4-5 year old ones?
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Hmmmm..I pick up link along with topic..but you can not see pic unless logged in..also if you click images tab under search tab some pics will say OldMiniBikes on them, you can see them.they appear to be random.. IMG_20160912_163823.jpg pic taken from my other PC monitor not logged in
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