govenor fell out today!!! yes!!!

These kind of threads are really starting to bother me , I admit I have made adjustments to some of my engines same as a lot of other people , But I would never openly go against the rules of this form and brag about it or give sugestions as how to do it.

We are guests on this site and I for one am greatfull for the information and friendships that I have made here.
[predator bike:]
"cant afford a head but im porting mine"
"yeah then i changed my mind and want it for the clone now its too expensive for the predator" (how much difference we talking about here?)

This was from the other tread. Yeah it sounds like a kid who pays $450 for a tach but can't buy a $449 Isky package because it cost to much....:doah:

You lost me at where dishonesty started...apparently the beginning.:thumbsup:
OK all the BS a side.
The plastic wheel went to hell at 4900 rpm.
I'm kind of currious about that.

I've turn governed clones that fast and not had a failure yet.

So question is am I lucky or do these engines have a weaker governer and for that matter cam?

Not that I touch those High rpm often, its just a place I've been a few times......

Now with all do respect to our moderators I do not sugest you press your luck on this subject.
I run billet these days and upgraded valves for a reason.


Active Member
please stop with the fell out and twisting the engine stuff
here let me press the reset button
ok now just tell me what your problem is and I will try and help you
ok your turn how can I help you
Not sure why he picked a PVL coil flywheel. Its more money than the reg. ARC flywheel and requires a PVL coil. $$$ :eek:ut:
Has some advantages.
The Ignition is better than a clone with a low speed retarder for easier starting and reve limiter.

I'd realy like to try that ignition to be honest.


Active Member
I understand that. I would like to have one myself. Just he was cheaping out on everything else. Doesn't make sense to buy that flywheel over the reg. one. when one has budget constraints.