I was OWNED today

Going home from work today I noticed my van was squealing under execration, I Says "damn I just replace the fan belt a few months ago!" ::) I was embarrassed all the way home The squeal would get loud under any acceleration.

I get home and call the boy, we lift the hood and spray some belt dressing and I'm running the engine checking the blet and the boy says,,,,,,

,,,, "Dad, I don't think its you're belt",,,, , "looks like someone put a whistler in your tail pipe". :scared::scared::scared: I says,,,"THAT BASTARD!"

Man what a relief, I would have pulled my hair out trying to figure it out since the sound was hard to tell where it was coming from without someone else hitting the throttle.

So I call the guy I work with and he's laughing his ass off but never heard of it,,,,THEN it hit me, My buddy "Cruiser" stopped by the shop today,,,,, BASTARD!!!!!!!!

OH, my payback is going to fall like rain,,,,"three times the pain". :sailor:

YouTube - Funny Car Exhaust Whistle Tail Pipe Prank Joke Gag Gift

bandit 40

Active Member
That was some funny s--t :lol: GTO I have never heard of those before, well at least it was not a major repair,and I know your gonna get a laugh out of it soon:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Going home from work today I noticed my van was squealing under execration, I Says "damn I just replace the fan belt a few months ago!" ::) I was embarrassed all the way home The squeal would get loud under any acceleration.

I get home and call the boy, we lift the hood and spray some belt dressing and I'm running the engine checking the blet and the boy says,,,,,,

,,,, "Dad, I don't think its you're belt",,,, , "looks like someone put a whistler in your tail pipe". :scared::scared::scared: I says,,,"THAT BASTARD!"

Man what a relief, I would have pulled my hair out trying to figure it out since the sound was hard to tell where it was coming from without someone else hitting the throttle.

So I call the guy I work with and he's laughing his ass off but never heard of it,,,,THEN it hit me, My buddy "Cruiser" stopped by the shop today,,,,, BASTARD!!!!!!!!

OH, my payback is going to fall like rain,,,,"three times the pain". :sailor:

YouTube - Funny Car Exhaust Whistle Tail Pipe Prank Joke Gag Gift
I'm buying half a dozen.
LOL the Bubb Rubb is so old lol. That video has been around the internet for a few years. They had a website and someone was making a DVD or some crap of him.

I like how he almost hits the car leaving haha.
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gto if you can get into your buddys car get one of those bells with an aligator clip they put on the end of fishing poles hang it way up behind the dash where it cant be found easily garuanted to drive him nuts:thumbsup:


Active Member
hell no, the brake light switch to the horn relay. every time he puts on the brakes the horn blowes. Way better than the old school exhaust items.
Find a cop friend and boot his car as a joke... That will settle the score..

Sometime were windshilds. Sometimes were bugs...

TT :eek:ut:
Pull the parking brake cable, install vise grips right at the end of the sleeve, release the cable. Car should not move, and since you released the pedal, he will not be able to tell till he crawls under the car. I got a bunch more, I used to make this guy I worked with have nightmares, literally. He had an old 77 F-250 four door long bed. 460, all the goodies. He backed out into traffic and the thing would not move forward. He about shit himself. Truck was long enough that they could not go around because he was blocking both lanes, everyone was honking for 20 minutes before they started trying to help push him out of the way. His wife finally came to me and told me about the nightmares so I stopped.