kids these days

They have to pay kids to learn these days? :doah::eek:ut::doah:

What happened to 10 wacks with a paddle with holes drilled in it? :thumbsup:


New Member
It's called fear, and it used to be the other way around. When I was a kid we feared the belt/switch/paddle/etc. Now-a-days, we as parents have to fear the g.damn system so the children are "protected". I say screw that, I learned real quick when out in public you didn't run around stores and stuff. You didn't throw tantrums in public either and talking back(sas) got your "block" knocked clean off. I try as hard as possible to disipline my son the way I was raised, but, living with my mom.....she calls herself "helping" by whisking him away when he does something that I would have had my ass handed to me for. I guess it gives me time to think about how best to explain it to him without having to get physical every time. It's VERY frustrating, but he is turning out pretty good so far. At 11 years old, these next few years are definitely going to be interesting. :doah:
i totally agree with rudedog ,kids today are raised infront of the tv set ,always the easy way out,when i went to school and got in shit, i was in a lot deeper when i got i thank my parents for raising me that way . i have raised my two boys the same way,today they are adults and have no hard feelings towards me or there upbringing,today single parent familys don,t help the situation it,s a real problem today.:thumbsup:
ha im prolly to young to be in this. but i got my ass handed to me for being stupid as a young one. i just see kids today yelling at there parents, not the other way around. it pisses me off when a kid is throwing a temper tantrum in a store (something you should be taking out to the car for :wink:) and these parents are just talking calmly to there kids to calm down. its a joke.
ha im prolly to young to be in this. but i got my ass handed to me for being stupid as a young one. i just see kids today yelling at there parents, not the other way around. it pisses me off when a kid is throwing a temper tantrum in a store (something you should be taking out to the car for :wink:) and these parents are just talking calmly to there kids to calm down. its a joke.
yeah, you're a bit young. i feel like a young'un on this site and i'm 30 years old.

i've finally realized that a lot of the new guys on here are older than me and know more. i've really, really tried to quit being such an ass and be helpful instead (i think i'm doing better). most boards i go on the people are younger than me so i get the "been there, done that" thing with them. i've also been on boards since 1999/2000 so i feel like a veteran. i don't even want to know how many thousands of post i've made (easily over 100,000).


Well-Known Member
Waynelass is right about broken families being a huge problem. In my mind there's something that's sorta the same thing but worse. It's the terrable fact that in some "areas" >60 percent of the children are born out of wedlock.
When I was in high school my Dad worked for the Los Angeles school system as a Plumber and I never knew when he would show up at my school . I got caught ditching the last period Print Shop for 18 days in a row. My punishment was 18 days in after school detention hall or 2 swats for each day by the boys VP. I took the swats all 36 in one day measured out in between each class.
Mr. Banana nose Skalar ( Boy's VP) used a size 15 tennis shoe sole, and he loved his job. Of course my Dad left this school discipline up to the school. I couldnt imagine that happing in a public school today.

Steve :scooter:
Old school is the way I raise my 3 boys,In sports to keep them busy(lacrosse and football)which I coach.Also in the garage,learning how to work on cars and build bikes,help mom in the house,to learn how to be independent.Teach them that you have to give respect to get respected,and to stick up for each other.And of course school and an education is very important.And if they get out of line,I put them right back in it.But that really doesn't happen much.As for report cards ,they do get rewarded with parts they need for their projects.And most important not to be some smart ass punk.