My Cop encounter!!


Active Member
my first Challenger was green,I paid 500 bucks for it. that car was a beast, I once went past a NJ state trooper's radar trap at a 145 mph in it on rt 80. I was trying to pin the speedometer at 150. I saw him pull out after I passed him, I checked the fuel gauge and saw that I was almost empty so I pulled over and waited for him. I was at least a mile ahead of him . He kept asking me how fast I was going and showed me the radar gun pinned out at 99.9 mph. I told him that I didn't know because I didn't look. All he kept saying is that you were doing better than a hundred and that all he saw was a green flash go by. He turned out to be pretty cool about it and only wrote me for going 80 in a 55. He said any more than that and the judge would take my license away. If it wasn't for the empty tank he would have never got me. I had a few Mopars over the years, 2- 1970 challengers the second one I painted white like the one in Vanishing point, a 1970 cuda and my last one was a 1970 Plymouth GTX. I put that same 440 in all of them. I put a 6 pack setup on it when I put in in the GTX. That GTX was nice, a guy was going to make it a race car out of it but never did. I got the body with out the engine for free it had 32000 original miles on it in 1984. I would be a rich man if I still had them today. I ended up selling that GTX for five grand about 15 years ago. I'll post some pictures of the cars when I get a chance.

YouTube - ‪Challenger New vs. Old: Vanishing Point Revisited‬‏
i respect the cops in my town so if they pull me over while riding it wont be as harsh.

I would be okay with anything else than them taking the bike. Ticket me, hold off on me getting my licence, you know how it goes.
The local cop actually is a nice guy in my area, doesn't worry about me driving my mini bike, he just told me once when he was off duty that as long as I wear my helmet and don't go through people's lawns he will let me be. When cops from the city come out to patrol our small (100 person) town they will pull you over if you have a bad hair cut! (I am exzagerating of course) but the local cop I stop for, the city cops that come out and LOOK for trouble I do not. When the local cop was new I had my run ins with him, but once I got to know him, I started respecting him. Cuz when you respect somebody, 8 times out of ten they will respect you back. :thumbsup:
Like dudes have said
"Every mini in town this guy sees will get the wrath of the crooked arm of the law"

Maybe the guy just wanted to say "nice bike" or "how do I join OldMiniBikes cuz I'm a loser and I need to hang with cool guys"

You'd still be jail for running but murderer's go free in 24 hours!
Running from the law for no reason is a good way to get shot or free showers with guys named Bubba!

Just wrong dude!
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Like dudes have said
"Every mini in town this guy sees will get the wrath of the crooked arm of the law"

Maybe the guy just wanted to say "nice bike" or "how do I join OldMiniBikes cuz I'm a loser and I need to hang with cool guys"

You'd still be jail for running but murderer's go free in 24 hours!
Running from the law for no reason is a good way to get shot or free showers with guys named Bubba!

Just wrong dude!
Yeah, yeah, lay it on.
yea gotta say that was pretty dumb. He most likely would have just given you a firm speach to scare you and walk it home.
I only ever got pulled over once on my bronc. I told him i lived right in the house he pulled me over infront of. I drove down the long driveway hopeing nobody was home and after he drove off i high tailed it home lol havnt driven much on the street since then . that was over 10 years ago. Funny thing is as kids on long island we always rode our gokart and mopeds around the streets and never got any heat. and we were under 10 years old :laugh:
one Sunday night back in 1973 I was killing time while waiting for my wife and kids to get out of church. I have been driving up and down the Pacific Coast Highway and a patrol car with two of Long Beach's finest pulled me over and started asking me question about what I was up too. And one of the officers used a flashlight and was looking through the windows in the back of the Volvo wagon. I asked what he was looking for and he said contraband. that hit me wrong so I got out of the car and used my flashlight and went and looked in the windows of their cruiser. He called me a smart ass and told me to get the heck out of there. I did but it felt good to give something back to the pair of jerks.
Steve :scooter:
Well, today I went for a run in the neighborhood I had ridden into to lose the cop. I was on mile 8 of my 10 mile run,

And then I saw the cop car, same car, same driver, and if I remember correctly the same plates.

He stopped, as I was running past where he was parked, he got out of his car and said "Can I ask you a question real quick?"

Something along the lines of that, I had too many things going through my head to remember correctly.

So I stopped, and walked over to him. He asked me if I had seen anyone riding a dirtbike or some sort of motorized bike, that was red and black.

At this point I figured if I lied, I would just get even more screwed then I already was.

So I went on to tell him, that it was me, and that was my bike he had seen yesterday, and I was the one who ran from him.

He looked dumbstruck for a second. :laugh:

Then he just looked at me and said "Damn." "That was easier than I thought it would be"

I didn't respond to this, and after a few seconds he went on to say that he could get me for a handful of violations, and what I did was stupid and reckless.

I agreed, (I mean, after all, it was:doah:)

After I agreed with him, he went on to say he needs to see the bike. I said fine. That is no problem, and said that if he wants just to walk to my house or I'll run back and he'll follow me.

He ended up walking with me, during which he explained the fines that I could face, and the charges I could be faced with, which, I have to say, he had a long freakin' list.

I showed him the bike, and he said he needed to make sure it was the same one.

(at this point I was thinking something along the lines of "want to see the back of it? It might look more familiar :biggrin: but I didn't)

So he told me about the charges, and the fines, and that he would take my bike, and I would have to pay alot to get it out of impound.

He then said "I'm not going to take the bike".

At this point, I damn near ruined my shorts.

He went on to say that while he could and should take my bike, and get me in trouble, he wasn't going to.

He said that had I stayed on my street and property, he wouldn't be talking to me. He said he has seen me tearing around, and had no problem until I left my property.

Guy was really cool, and after he said he was going to let me go, actually asked to take it for a ride. The TAV was acting up, and it had no gas, so I had to say no.

Before the guy left he told me that if he caught me on the street again I'd be in real trouble. I thanked him and he left.

And that, is how I got out of trouble.

And I have to say, the bike ain't leaving my garage for at least the next 3 months.
That story confirms my experience with most police.
if you are honest with them and aren't doing anything that harms others they generaly would be happier just to correct your behaviour.

Summer of 2010 things were very very ugly on the picket lines up here.
When the cops showed up they would watch but as long as there was no violence they did not get involved or press charges.
Reason is simple we were nice to them ( but not so nice to the scabs and strike breakers ).

These days I see a lot of the same police on traffic duty and one Seargent in particular I see him often ( same guy came by my house when AFI strike breakers were following me from the hall and politely told them they were satlking and not to return ).
When I do see them I turn the car around and get them bottled water and something from the coffe shop when its hot or jsut coffee if it cold.
They always say they can't except it and I always explain this is my way of saying thanks for what you do and the excelent job they do past and present.
Never has one refused my gift after that little speach.
Now I have been pulled over for speeding since and I never mention the past and was let go.

Cops remember everything.
They remember your face and your name, they remember the places you were and the note the reasons they were called out.
If you are nice and do no harm they can turn a blind eye to a lot.
If you do them a little random act of kindness like a bottle of water to that fellow on traffic duty at high noon it sure can't hurt your chances for getting off with a warning the next time you do something that they need to adress and correct.
I don't like cops, but just because I don't like someone means I'm going to disrespect them. Unless, they are just being an asshat.

I'll respect them, but I still have to say

in california if you go to jail for riding a minibike youbetter be 6 foot 2 wt 230 pounds and have close to kill some won if not the big guy well he needs a girlfriend then your saperated into three groups white hispanic black its sad buts jail sucks in california instead of going after bad guys its easy to go after some poor person on a mini bike