My Cop encounter!!

Riding anywhere around there is ruined for a long long time.

The cop will be watching, waiting and he will get you or someone now, its what they do, its what they get paid to do among many other things.

Its a cat and mouse game and the cat can wait a long time for the mouse to move on the cheese. :lol:

I'd bet if he started knocking on doors it wouldnt be long before he's knocking on your door.

Maybe now is a good time to get it street legal so the next time he see's you(and he will) you can just relax knowing your all legal.

Amuzing story though.:thumbsup:
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Well-Known Member
I can here the jail house story. What ya in for boy. Well I was riding my mini bike.... Kinda like Ron Whites Tater Salad story. Be safe.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it was a good time but I don't know if it was the best idea. You probably ruined your riding for the rest of the summer.

Years ago I would of ran(did many times on dirt bikes and 4 wheelers), now I just would of stopped. Paid my fines if there were any and went on.


Active Member
Those kinds of rides really get the blood pumping, I know. I had one similiar to it just a few weeks ago. There were no lights and sirens but when you see a cop going in reverse, up a main street and looking at you, you know he's coming to get you.

I thought the same you did, at first, then realized I didn't want to get into more trouble then I would if I just stopped. I turned a corner to meet him where I thought he would be and to my surprise, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. That's when I headed straight home. Lucky for me I was in a completely different neighborhood when he saw me.

Later I found out that running from the cops is a felony in Michigan.

Good luck to you and be safe!!:scooter:
Well the "old man" and the parent in me wants to give you a lecture...but I'd be flat out lying if I said I didn't do the same thing when I was your the flashbacks were giving me an adrenalin rush just reading the story. :2guns: :scooter: ............

back then the cops would "impound" the bike if they caught you and it would cost 10 bucks or something to get it back....
.....:doah: :deal:

.....if you didn't pick it up it got sold at the next "Police Auction" and the "cycle" would start all over again :scooter: ....
......:doah: :deal:

hard to say what would have been the outcome if you had stopped...cops are like any other group of people...some are cool...some aren't...some can be reasoned with...some can't.

that's a pretty big piece of property you have there...better plan on staying on it for a while. ....come to think of it you just got your license didn't you..?....throw the bike in the trunk and find a good safe place to ride it :thumbsup:

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Good job man, you did the right thing, a buddy of mine got stopped by the cops on his bike, fined him $1500 plus they haule his quad off, and he was wearing a helmet! :scared: He ended up paying the fee and getting it back but is was like $200! :scared: I have never encountered a cop on my bike, but on my snowmobile they put the sirens on while I was in town at a sled derby and then they chased m right into a field with 4ft of snow and got stuck in there crown vic. Anf you know what I ended up going back and getting my truck to pull em out cuz I felt bad, they never realized I was the fellow they where chasing. In most htings you should man up, but in this casem run, some cops will be nice and give you a warning, and in those cases you should learn from it, but some got a flywheel up there ass and be unreasonable about it.
that's a pretty big piece of property you have there...better plan on staying on it for a while. ....come to think of it you just got your license didn't you..?....throw the bike in the trunk and find a good safe place to ride it :thumbsup:

Thant reminds me, my buddy who got stopped also got points taken off on his license and was on probation while driving a car for and extra year. :eek:ut:
Well, today I went for a run in the neighborhood I had ridden into to lose the cop. I was on mile 8 of my 10 mile run,

And then I saw the cop car, same car, same driver, and if I remember correctly the same plates.

He stopped, as I was running past where he was parked, he got out of his car and said "Can I ask you a question real quick?"

Something along the lines of that, I had too many things going through my head to remember correctly.

So I stopped, and walked over to him. He asked me if I had seen anyone riding a dirtbike or some sort of motorized bike, that was red and black.

At this point I figured if I lied, I would just get even more screwed then I already was.

So I went on to tell him, that it was me, and that was my bike he had seen yesterday, and I was the one who ran from him.

He looked dumbstruck for a second. :laugh:

Then he just looked at me and said "Damn." "That was easier than I thought it would be"

I didn't respond to this, and after a few seconds he went on to say that he could get me for a handful of violations, and what I did was stupid and reckless.

I agreed, (I mean, after all, it was:doah:)

After I agreed with him, he went on to say he needs to see the bike. I said fine. That is no problem, and said that if he wants just to walk to my house or I'll run back and he'll follow me.

He ended up walking with me, during which he explained the fines that I could face, and the charges I could be faced with, which, I have to say, he had a long freakin' list.

I showed him the bike, and he said he needed to make sure it was the same one.

(at this point I was thinking something along the lines of "want to see the back of it? It might look more familiar :biggrin: but I didn't)

So he told me about the charges, and the fines, and that he would take my bike, and I would have to pay alot to get it out of impound.

He then said "I'm not going to take the bike".

At this point, I damn near ruined my shorts.

He went on to say that while he could and should take my bike, and get me in trouble, he wasn't going to.

He said that had I stayed on my street and property, he wouldn't be talking to me. He said he has seen me tearing around, and had no problem until I left my property.

Guy was really cool, and after he said he was going to let me go, actually asked to take it for a ride. The TAV was acting up, and it had no gas, so I had to say no.

Before the guy left he told me that if he caught me on the street again I'd be in real trouble. I thanked him and he left.

And that, is how I got out of trouble.

And I have to say, the bike ain't leaving my garage for at least the next 3 months.
lucky guy. ive ran from the cops ALOT of times in my teens, non mini bike related. got caught 1 time and spent the nite on a nice metal bed with a pubic hair blanket when i was 19:doah: ditched the evidence and gave up running. got out the next morning and found my evidence and went home to do my evidence:laugh: they spent about 30min trying to find what the cop said i threw in the dark with there flash lites in some guys drive way. "i know you had something in your hand" in a not so nice tone. me being pissed after being tackled by the cop and a knee to my face from another cop, "I DIDNT :censure: HAVE ANYTHING" so i got evading police and resisting arrest:doah: i could go on for awhile talking about my police incounters, my mom spent alot of $$$$ in fines, court fees, missing out on work to take me to court etc. but if i got caught for the stuff i didnt get caught for i would have gone bye bye, good thing i used to run fast.


Active Member
WOW, did you think it was going to go down like that? I had a feeling he was going to find you, ill bet he knew who you were too. Anyway, good job owning up, i think he really respected you for it. You gotta invite him over to ride it once its fixed, a peace offering of sorts. :thumbsup:
...sometimes the cop has it all worked out in his head what he's gong to do or say to you when he finally gets his hands on you and when you come clean like that it befuddles them...

you did the smart thing...better stick close to home :thumbsup:
lucky guy. ive ran from the cops ALOT of times in my teens, non mini bike related. got caught 1 time and spent the nite on a nice metal bed with a pubic hair blanket when i was 19:doah: ditched the evidence and gave up running. got out the next morning and found my evidence and went home to do my evidence:laugh: they spent about 30min trying to find what the cop said i threw in the dark with there flash lites in some guys drive way. "i know you had something in your hand" in a not so nice tone. me being pissed after being tackled by the cop and a knee to my face from another cop, "I DIDNT :censure: HAVE ANYTHING" so i got evading police and resisting arrest:doah: i could go on for awhile talking about my police incounters, my mom spent alot of $$$$ in fines, court fees, missing out on work to take me to court etc. but if i got caught for the stuff i didnt get caught for i would have gone bye bye, good thing i used to run fast.
This isn't my first run in with the cops. Just the first time I've been caught.

WOW, did you think it was going to go down like that? I had a feeling he was going to find you, ill bet he knew who you were too. Anyway, good job owning up, i think he really respected you for it. You gotta invite him over to ride it once its fixed, a peace offering of sorts. :thumbsup:
I actually got his number. He said to give him a call if someone hassles me for riding on my property.

...sometimes the cop has it all worked out in his head what he's gong to do or say to you when he finally gets his hands on you and when you come clean like that it befuddles them...

you did the smart thing...better stick close to home :thumbsup:
I'm glad I did what I did. I bet if I had lied to him I would have ended up in a ton of trouble.

He looked really flustered when I told him it was me.

The bike isn't leaving my shop for a few months at least.


Growing up is optional
I wonder what he would have said to you yesterday if you had stopped. You probably could have let him run it out of gas!


Active Member
first it was run ins with the cops as the tried to catch us on the mini bikes and then later when I started to drive it was constant problems getting tickets or tailed until I left the town. I ran a few times and got away more then I got caught. One of the best was on a summer night I was hot roding around in my 1970 440 Challenger. In the NJ suburbs where I used to live the streets were set up in a grid pattern. Any way I was driving down one of those short side streets and realised that there was a car tailgating me with his high beams on. I thought it was one of my friends playing around wanting to street race but It was a cop. So I floored the Challenger and when I got to the intersection an the end of the block I cut the wheel and slid it side ways with the tires smoking up the cross street about a few hundred feet until I lined up with the next street over.I then accelerated up to about 80 mph turned the corner at the end and slid side ways to the next street. I looked back in the mirror to see the headlight round the corner and bounce off the curb. After taking a four or five streets of those streets like that I was about two blocks a head of him. Once I didn't see him behind me I got to the end and then turned left instead of right and flew down the street and pulled in my drive way. I was out of the car and almost in the front door when the cop pulled up, that's when I realised who was following me. He never put his top lights on, I think he was hoping that I would crash into something. A few more cops showed up in front of the house there was three or four with there lights going. What saved me was when I said to him " how am I supposed to know who it was following me like that, I thought someone was trying to steal my car. if you wanted me to stop you should have put your lights on". The cops all went to have a huddle and talk about it,I think they knew that he was wrong for that. I did hear the one say "that SOB can drive". They came back and just wrote me for careless driving and warned me not to contest it when I went to court. So I went and paid the fine. that was way back in 1978 when I was crazy and nineteen.
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first it was run ins with the cops as the tried to catch us on the mini bikes and then later when I started to drive it was constant problems getting tickets or tailed until I left the town. I ran a few times and got away more then I got caught. One of the best was on a summer night I was hot roding around in my 1970 440 Challenger. In the NJ suburbs where I used to live the streets were set up in a grid pattern. Any way I was driving down one of those short side streets and realised that there was a car tailgating me with his high beams on. I thought it was one of my friends playing around wanting to street race but It was a cop. So I floored the Challenger and when I got to the intersection an the end of the block I cut the wheel and slid it side ways with the tires smoking up the cross street about a few hundred feet until I lined up with the next street over.I then accelerated up to about 80 mph turned the corner at the end and slid side ways to the next street. I looked back in the mirror to see the headlight round the corner and bounce off the curb. After taking a four or five streets of those streets like that I was about two blocks a head of him. Once I didn't see him behind me I got to the end and then turned left instead of right and flew down the street and pulled in my drive way. I was out of the car and almost in the front door when the cop pulled up, that's when I realised who was following me. He never put his top lights on, I think he was hoping that I would crash into something. A few more cops showed up in front of the house there was three or four with there lights going. What saved me was when I said to him " how am I supposed to know who it was following me like that, I thought someone was trying to steal my car. if you wanted me to stop you should have put your lights on". The cops all went to have a huddle and talk about it,I think they knew that he was wrong for that. I did hear the one say "that SOB can drive". They came back and just wrote me for careless driving and warned me not to contest it when I went to court. So I went and paid the fine. that was way back in 1978 when I was crazy and nineteen.
A 1970 with a 440! sweet! What color? I love that car, and the charger too. I actually got a 68 charger =D


Active Member
just like the guys where saying. you can skip the rest of the summer riding.
he will be looking for you and when he finds you? he will slam the book on you.
and you know the funny things is? you won't tell us when you get busted.....:laugh:
:laugh::laugh::laugh: yep