Well, it finally happened.
My warrior drew too MUCH attention :facepalm:
I was riding around where I live, going around my property, up and down my street, and over to the local football field (~.13 miles away- I can see it from my house).
I had been doing this for awhile now, and being that 1 of the 2 intersections you go through to get through my house is closed, I hadn't encountered another soul yet, besides a few squirrels and some birds.
I was riding down my street, and I decided to go left off of my street, instead of right, which I hadn't done for awhile.
I got to the closed intersection (~.5 miles away) and decided to head back to my house to fuel up and tighten the retaining bolt on my TAV. Well, I saw a car coming my way (mind you I was on the sidewalk) and I thought nothing of it, since it was still 1/2 mile away and in that 1/2 mile there are 2 other neighborhoods, so I thought the car was going to pull into one of those other neighborhoods.
I rode past the car, and IMMEDIATELY saw it... :doah: It was an undercover cop car :doah:
I was going to just act like I didn't see him, but... that didn't exactly work
He saw me, stepped on his brakes and turned around REALLY fast.
I, doing the logical thing (at least what I believed to be logical at the moment) Gunned my flatty...
You never realize how hard it is to get down from a wheelie until you need to, around a turn... uphill. :laugh:
Well, I got down from the wheelie after letting off the throttle, with the cop car trailing behind me, lights on, siren on. I get past my street before the cop could see me turn into the football field entrance, which is connected to another, rather large neighborhood, full of blind turns, bushes, and hills.
I get to the entrance of the neighborhood, and here is the real leg-slapper.. there is a GATE on the entrance :censure:
So, I either had to cut through the football field, through a siltation pond, into the neighborhood or go back the way I came, past the cop.
I decided to do the siltation pond route, which was definitely the better route to take, since the cop was getting pretty close.
I went through the siltation pond no problem, the nice fat tires on my warrior combined with the torque of the TAV ripped through the mud with no problem at all :biggrin:
Got into the neighborhood no problemo, just remembered the 5 steps of dodgeball.. dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge...err I mean running from the cops :laugh:
I got through the neighborhood rather quickly, I've run through there too many times to count, took the short route and lost the cop at the gate.
I got to the back exit, ~3miles from my house, and who was there?
The cop. Just waiting there!
Well, I just gunned it back to my street, it's a straight shot and mostly sidewalk, so I thought I was in the clear.
Well, much to my dismay, I was running out of gas, and my TAV was acting up :scared:
I just kept on the throttle, got ~1 mile from my house when I started hearing (and feeling) my engine sputtering and screaming for gas... now I was really scared
I got 1/4 from my house when I decided to go for broke and just hit the gas as hard as I could, at which point I was probably running on fumes, as it sure felt like it.
The cop was at the bottom of the hill, while I was more towards the top of the hill, at this point I could see my house and open garage. I got up to my street, which isn't too long, but is a stretch for sure. I didn't see the cop, and he couldn't see me so I just held on the gas and went flying to my driveway, into my garage, where I hit the brakes (a little to hard, locked up the rear wheel) and slammed into my Arc welder and cabinets near it.
Put a small dent in the welder, and a tiny crack in the cabinet.
I closed the garage by hand (the electric door opener is really slow) and ran as fast as I could to my basement where I threw the main breaker to kill all the power and turn off all the lights in my house, since then he wouldn't know what house I went in to
I then locked the back door, took my phone and wallet and ran to my neighbors house closer to the street, where I watched him drive up and down the street I live off of for a good 15 minutes until he gave up.
I went back to my house, turned the power on, and began to post this thread.
And that, my fellow minibikers, is how I escaped the fuzz.
My warrior drew too MUCH attention :facepalm:
I was riding around where I live, going around my property, up and down my street, and over to the local football field (~.13 miles away- I can see it from my house).
I had been doing this for awhile now, and being that 1 of the 2 intersections you go through to get through my house is closed, I hadn't encountered another soul yet, besides a few squirrels and some birds.
I was riding down my street, and I decided to go left off of my street, instead of right, which I hadn't done for awhile.
I got to the closed intersection (~.5 miles away) and decided to head back to my house to fuel up and tighten the retaining bolt on my TAV. Well, I saw a car coming my way (mind you I was on the sidewalk) and I thought nothing of it, since it was still 1/2 mile away and in that 1/2 mile there are 2 other neighborhoods, so I thought the car was going to pull into one of those other neighborhoods.
I rode past the car, and IMMEDIATELY saw it... :doah: It was an undercover cop car :doah:
I was going to just act like I didn't see him, but... that didn't exactly work
He saw me, stepped on his brakes and turned around REALLY fast.
I, doing the logical thing (at least what I believed to be logical at the moment) Gunned my flatty...
You never realize how hard it is to get down from a wheelie until you need to, around a turn... uphill. :laugh:
Well, I got down from the wheelie after letting off the throttle, with the cop car trailing behind me, lights on, siren on. I get past my street before the cop could see me turn into the football field entrance, which is connected to another, rather large neighborhood, full of blind turns, bushes, and hills.
I get to the entrance of the neighborhood, and here is the real leg-slapper.. there is a GATE on the entrance :censure:
So, I either had to cut through the football field, through a siltation pond, into the neighborhood or go back the way I came, past the cop.
I decided to do the siltation pond route, which was definitely the better route to take, since the cop was getting pretty close.
I went through the siltation pond no problem, the nice fat tires on my warrior combined with the torque of the TAV ripped through the mud with no problem at all :biggrin:
Got into the neighborhood no problemo, just remembered the 5 steps of dodgeball.. dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge...err I mean running from the cops :laugh:
I got through the neighborhood rather quickly, I've run through there too many times to count, took the short route and lost the cop at the gate.
I got to the back exit, ~3miles from my house, and who was there?
The cop. Just waiting there!
Well, I just gunned it back to my street, it's a straight shot and mostly sidewalk, so I thought I was in the clear.
Well, much to my dismay, I was running out of gas, and my TAV was acting up :scared:
I just kept on the throttle, got ~1 mile from my house when I started hearing (and feeling) my engine sputtering and screaming for gas... now I was really scared
I got 1/4 from my house when I decided to go for broke and just hit the gas as hard as I could, at which point I was probably running on fumes, as it sure felt like it.
The cop was at the bottom of the hill, while I was more towards the top of the hill, at this point I could see my house and open garage. I got up to my street, which isn't too long, but is a stretch for sure. I didn't see the cop, and he couldn't see me so I just held on the gas and went flying to my driveway, into my garage, where I hit the brakes (a little to hard, locked up the rear wheel) and slammed into my Arc welder and cabinets near it.
Put a small dent in the welder, and a tiny crack in the cabinet.
I closed the garage by hand (the electric door opener is really slow) and ran as fast as I could to my basement where I threw the main breaker to kill all the power and turn off all the lights in my house, since then he wouldn't know what house I went in to
I then locked the back door, took my phone and wallet and ran to my neighbors house closer to the street, where I watched him drive up and down the street I live off of for a good 15 minutes until he gave up.
I went back to my house, turned the power on, and began to post this thread.
And that, my fellow minibikers, is how I escaped the fuzz.