New GEM Mac side cover

I know this is a vintage kart part more so than a mini part but alot of us here are into both.

I have been working on this part for some time, I started the project with a doner part for comparison and the owner needed it back for a project so it got put on hold till I was able to locate another and start over well its finally done and came out quite nice.

Soon I will be offering more Mac parts including a complete kit for converting a saw to a MC49 complete with intake exhaust stuffer and mount also the optional cover.

Jeff great to see all your quality parts. And way back when I was selling go kart McCulloch parts GEM products were always top of the line for many bolt on performance parts. But I never have seen a cover like that. So we learn new information when we share. Your keeping this sport/addiction alive with all your hard work.
Steve :scooter:
Don't forget me when you have them available, I emailed you a while ago on this....Thanks, Frank Davis
Frank next week I will have them on Ebay with a BIN for the polished they will be 160 and non polished 130 shipped. I will sell a few on there but when I have some of the other kart stuff finished they will go to OldMiniBikes and can be purchased in the store.

Thank You