OK without lower shroud?

I did run without on my 5,5 clone, I misplaced it. I thought as the engine is ment to stand still, I would get the same cooling when the engine is moving around. Didn't get any hotter than it used to with the shroud on, I think...
But I have since found it, so I put it back on.
I took mine off the day I got it. Looks better IMO and I haven't had a problem. Don't plan on running one on the new engine I'm building either.
It's called ducting. For cooling airflow. Fan pulls air through pull start and shield acts like a air duct. On minibikes ok without because it's out front getting cooled. But on kart maybe not good ideal. I run them because it doesn't hurt and kinda believe that with lock tight it adds some rigidness to block in theory.