Powell 6020-J


Well-Known Member
Picked up this model J a few weeks ago.
the motor runs but idles kind of high?
I never had a flo jet carb before so
any help I'd be very thankful!
Not sure what belt to use or where to
find one? Does anybody know the seat
dimensions ?

Also there is a bolt that runs thru the
carb that holds the filter on but leaks
like no other! Is it because the float needs
adjusting? IMG_0139.JPG


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Doggie the Powell is sweet , that J looks real similar to the H model that I used to build the super Powell . It's got the same forward style brake pedal . The seat on my E model is 6" x 19" .
Good luck with the build , I think those had TEC motors on them .
Also doggie if you take it apart can you show pics of how the driven is mounted to pivot section of the bike . Those drivens usually spin on a shaft .


Active Member
I would definitely pull that Briggs off there. Those updraft carbs a notorious for leaking.

Nice looking bike. Good luck with the build.
Is that a Comet 30? It's set up like an assymetrical system. I didn't know Powell used those. To find the belt, you have to determine which clutch system you're using, then measure the centers. Pretty simple.

That's a Tec tank on a Briggs motor. Flow jets leak because the metering needle seats against a bit of machined aluminum and it's just not that great of a seal. It will do that no matter where the floats are, since the fuel comes from the bottom of the bowl and spills over. Common malady with these carbs, and really, they should be equipped with a shut off valve.

IMO, you need to figure out what you're going to do with a power plant, then get into the drive system.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response guy and gals!
This is what I found on the so far on the drive unit! CP1971_01PowellDealerBulletinpg_02.jpg IMG_0152.JPG IMG_0146.JPG It is a Comet driver and an A stamped on the driven like in the pic.
The inside belt cover is painted orange does Anybody know if they ever came in that color?
I've seen red,blue,light green and a yellow one on the cover of Rod@custom but no orange!
Thanks David on the seat size!
Dave I think I'm going to put an clone on it! I think on Powells they need to be raised about 3/4 in without having to cut anything?
Thanks Tippy ! The offer still stands? Even though I'm more of and collector than a seller? I'm just trying to have enough to do when
ever I retire!
Thanks for all the help! Michael
"Special Asymmetric Style Belt" on the ad. So I'm going to say it's a Comet 30 set up is what you have, and what kind of belt you need. You select the belt based on that, and distance between center lines. I know nothing of clones. I don't use them.

If I were collecting it, I'd put the original motor in it. (5 or 7 HP Tec) That seat is way different that the other Powells. Looks better.


Well-Known Member
I just picked this driven up from Outlaw ace IMG_0164.JPG IMG_0162.JPG
Wondering if I could use it to rebuild the wore out driven that's on it? IMG_0160.JPG IMG_0159.JPG
And for the motor I only have 1 tec motor which will be used on another build I'm not trying to restore it just want a rider?
Dave I saw your post with with your comet or tc88 are you having any luck?
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