Side mounted tank installation

Hey does anyone know the best way to figure out where the holes in the blower housing go? You can try just putting the bracket on but then you're not quite sure the tank will sit right.



Well-Known Member
My best guess would be to just slide the tank down the shroud until it's level. Here are some pictures of one that I had if that helps.



Well-Known Member
mark some centering lines on the tank and shroud where you are happy with it, take it back off, paint on some thick wet nailpolish to the rivnuts on the tank and set it back down. when you pull it back off you should have 3 round circles where the holes should be :thumbsup:
mark some centering lines on the tank and shroud where you are happy with it, take it back off, paint on some thick wet nailpolish to the rivnuts on the tank and set it back down. when you pull it back off you should have 3 round circles where the holes should be :thumbsup:
Oh ok nail polish. Good one. I was trying to do exactly what you say but I was trying a sharpie. kept drying to quick though. Ok thanks