Alright, so the goal this weekend is to be able to take this:
Give it a fresh coat of black spray paint, install this:
Along with these goodies:
I made decent progress this afternoon, got the bike stripped down, yes I don't currently have a chain breaker and didn't feel like dealing with it so the old chain is still on there. And yes I have a new chain.
Was able to get the primer and a coat of black sprayed:
Since I was bored and antsy I mocked up the motor, for mods it's just those boltons and the carb is jetted, I have no plans to build the motor further or worry about removing the governor. I will be going with the stock doodlebug gas tank mounted underneath the seat, my clutch is a Max Torque with 3100 rpm stall, and I will be upgrading to a hydraulic brake.
I did drill the holes for the motor mount plate and the seat gas tank bracket, so install tomorrow should be easy, I just have to run to harbor freight and pick up a chain breaker. Where does one get mini bike tires mounted? I have 2 brand new tires, would pep boys do it? I'll definitely take pictures tomorrow when I finish, and thanks guys for all your knowledge I've searched and used on this forum!

Give it a fresh coat of black spray paint, install this:

Along with these goodies:

I made decent progress this afternoon, got the bike stripped down, yes I don't currently have a chain breaker and didn't feel like dealing with it so the old chain is still on there. And yes I have a new chain.

Was able to get the primer and a coat of black sprayed:

Since I was bored and antsy I mocked up the motor, for mods it's just those boltons and the carb is jetted, I have no plans to build the motor further or worry about removing the governor. I will be going with the stock doodlebug gas tank mounted underneath the seat, my clutch is a Max Torque with 3100 rpm stall, and I will be upgrading to a hydraulic brake.

I did drill the holes for the motor mount plate and the seat gas tank bracket, so install tomorrow should be easy, I just have to run to harbor freight and pick up a chain breaker. Where does one get mini bike tires mounted? I have 2 brand new tires, would pep boys do it? I'll definitely take pictures tomorrow when I finish, and thanks guys for all your knowledge I've searched and used on this forum!