Well wishes to DocDC

Good luck DocDC, Here's hoping you get good results and they'll be able to fix you up. Like I told you on the phone; I've had two of them done and they really aren't as bad as the stories you hear. I'll text you later today. Your buddy, Ogy
Good to hear from you Doc ! You'll be as good as new before long .
Wishing you both a speedy recovery !
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Best to both of ya'll. Bad time of the year to be stuck in a hospital bed. Hope ya'll at least got cute nurses.
Only one cute nurse, the other was a slave driver...at 1:00 and 4:00 am, of course. Glad to be home in my own bed (the hospital beds they had available were regular length and my legs wanted a king!

Anybody have word on DocDC (Dale)? Hope all went well for him!
Hey guys...first off...Doc, I am glad your procedure went well and you are resting. you'll be up and flying soon and good for Windber :laugh::laugh:

Thank you all for the well wishes. They always make a difference.

My status:

Not so good.
I have 7 stents already. There are at least 7 more blockages. No stenting today. They are now searching for the possibility of open heart but the interventionist was not sure he would be able to find someone who would consider doing it with the severity. If he can find a Doc to do it great, if not, he will go back in and try and open what he can to provide relief from chest pains. Either way the long term isn't terribly bright. On the other hand, I was supposed to be dead 5 years ago lol.

Anyway for the time being I am still here and functioning lol

Again, I truly appreciate all of the well wishes!
