Karen I was trying to get to the box O' Muff's when you texted yesterday to see if I did have any dog leg ones left and got sidetracked. The only H25-35 I have right now I need to graft a new muffler head on, but the visble diference for what you need can be seen here:
Left HS50, center HS40, Right H25-30-35
I did a small run of H25-35 headers last year but they are all sold out, They looked the part at least. Looks like I have enough stuff to make some more if my homemade bending tool will hold up.....its not doing too well after the last run of them :laugh:
Here's how they came out:
If all goes well I will have an HS50 I just rebuilt in paint in the next day or so and can try to work on some of the mufflers, or at least graft a new head onto the one original I have, I would not mind getting my hands on an HS version....I have way more HS engines than I do the mufflers.