Picked up this real nice Bonanza Months ago and Been lagging on post pics of it ,Got it from an estate sale on craigslist a while back . Its real nice condition , rides great . Original wheels and tires beside the leak front tube love it. Should have a tecumseh but the briggs runs great.I love the look of Bonanza's with removable handle bars. I use to have a bc 1300 frame I got from craigslist for $25 but got rid of it in a trade , Wish I didn't cause I rather have rode that one in the dirt then this one. Can't bring my self to it. Its just been collecting dust at my buddies house and I may let it go. But I still though it'd be cool to show it to you guys and get so photo's of it up on the forum for viewing pleasures. Sorry if all my pics look the same:laugh: