Comet Torque Converter help

First time I ever bought one of these Torque converters. Question: Is it normal for the edge of the belt to be wearing since it is brand new? I only rode the bike a little bit and its like fuzz coming from the outer edge of the belt. I did notice when I put it together, I thought it was kinda "rough" on the inside edge of the sheave movable hub.:eek:ut: I did put the belt on facing the correct way.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
Mine still throw dust.
I can't figure out if it's normal wear or if I am,slightly out of alignment.
Two to four years in and the belts are still good.
With dust on the engine and in the cover.
Heck I don't know.
How about a close up photo of the belt edge wear? The driver and the driven do need to be in proper alignment. It does not take much to throw things off and cause problems.
My tav is over 10 years old, has been used for drag racing and still has the original belt with a little fuzz I must say.
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