Having just gone through indexing an unknown cam, 232 is a very common lift number on several cams used for Flat Heads. Here are the numbers I arrived at using a home made degree wheel. You can see where the overlap is by doing this, and get an idea of how your cam compares to others out there.
The problem with all of this is that most consumers simply buy off the shelf parts, slap in the cam and if the MFGR says "our springs are recommended" they buy them too. Great sales gimmick. Welding up the exhaust lifter boss inside of the engine is pretty much a standard modification recommended by almost all Cam grinders for these engines. Other than that, I'd say your cam is okay with stock valve train.
Lash: .008
Starts to Open: 17
Starts to Close: 100
Center Line: 100
Lash: .006
Starts to Open: 54
Starts to Close: 78
Center Line: 115
Max Lift: .231