I just installed one of these on my CT200U today. Specs are a 212 Predator, billet rod, billet flywheel, billet side cover, hot265 cam w/ 22lb springs, 22mm Chikuni and a header. Currently running a 70t rear sprocket with approximately 15" tall tires.
I previously had this TC on a Doodlebug with a 212. It was running the Comet driver/driven with a Chinese backing plate. It had a nasty vibration that just killed your hands once at 30+mph. Swapped a clutch on and it made that bike much more rideable and fun. No more bad vibrations.
Back to the CT200U. I had not had a TC on this engine before. I loved it how it was but wanted to see how it would do with one on it. Knowing that the standard TAV30 isn't rated for a 16ish hp engine, I decided to pick up the Juggernaut. It wasn't what I was expecting, but I'm not disappointed with my purchase. I was expecting some "oh shit!" acceleration but didn't get that (over what I had with the power it puts out). It doesn't feel much faster, but it pulls much more smoothly. The part throttle rideability also increased greatly. I did notice a drop in top end. It feels wound out now much earlier than when I just had the clutch on it. This is far from scientific, but I had hit 40mph on my street with the clutch. With this, the best I could get was 39mph and that was pushing it. Granted, this was in the span of about 3.5-4 houses (200' or so) from about a 10mph roll. I'm also 270 lbs.
I didn't see any great increase in acceleration or top speed. It did make MY setup much more rideable in the mid-range when running part throttle. Wasn't what I was expecting, but I'm happy with the outcome. I didn't ride it much and did maybe a half mile on it before shutting it down to not annoy my neighbors too much.
I do have some smaller sprockets I plan to play around to see if they make much of a difference. I feel like the 70t is a bit overkill for this setup. It worked great before the TAV since I was happy with a top speed in the low 50s.
I have several friends with mini bikes and they all top out around 25-35mph. I do my riding with them so having a high top speed is pretty low on my list. As it sits now I can comfortably go part throttle at those speeds. I couldn't do that before without constantly being on/off the throttle. It was worth the $90 to me.
edit: It's got some janky 1" blocks to lift the engine for clearance now. The engine plate will be getting raised/modified so they aren't necessary.
edit 2: The tool that OP made to remove the outer housing on the Juggernaut isn't necessary. You can hold it by hand and knock it out with a 3/8" electric impact. Anyone that owns a minibike should have one of these. They make doing stuff much easier and faster.