This is what Frood looked like in the 1930s when my grandfather worked there..
Not factory and I dont have many pictures I can find on line.
I do have a shoe box someplace with picturs of the open pit my gandfather took at great risk to his job durring the war.
Biggest mining trucks ever mad rumbled up and down the ramp.
They took up both lanes on the main street down town on the VE day parrade ( only the seocnd time they were ever seen in publlic )
Some of the old building still stand.
But not as impressive as the old days.
Here's the queen going underground in 59 ( possibly the second worman to do so after her mother in the 1930s ) does she not look reagal lol.
Here's the early days of the frood pit that suplied the allies most of the nickel used in the war.
Found the Queen mum and King George lol this is 1939 I think
As seen today looking south east from Frood side towards Stobie good shot of the pit today
Some posters from the war.
Vicotry Nickels to save the real metal for war production.
After the wars somethign needed to be done with the metals lol.
So the fellows in Sheridan park invented the kitchen sink ( no joke )
These old girls were made in 1918 and stayed in service untill aroun 2000 as I recall.
Converter Ile.
Add some hoods for fume extractors and its not much different today.
Smleter complex wind blows left to right can you tell.