Shout out to OldMiniBikes member "marcus"

Any of you members who have been around for awhile already know the education and technical information that he has repeatedly, continually, and graciously provided to our OldMiniBikes brothers and sisters. I know that my son and myself have been the recipients and benefited from of his knowledge many times over the years. Currently, through MANY PMs and direct emails he has been kindly helping me with some issues we are having with our HS40 engine for which we are very grateful.
Thank you marcus, OldMiniBikes is very lucky to have you!:thumbsup:
The OldMiniBikes is a lot better place because of Markus and folks just like him! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
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Yeah I like that guy. I think this board should just rename the "What is it?" section to "Ask Marcus" Dude not only knows what it is but backs it up with original ads n stuff. Cool.