
  1. M

    Montgomery Wards mini bike paint code (Light blue)

    Does anyone know the paint code for the early to mod 70's paint code for a Montgomery wards minibike? The color is light blue. Russ
  2. smudvapor

    Almost ready to light it on fire and have a weenie roast!

    I am trying to get my build off bike done and I am having all kinds of trouble with the wheels and tires. I had the rims rechromed so I am trying not to scratch anything up. Finally after an hour of struggling I got one tire on and the damn inner tube is leaking. Now I can't get it back apart...
  3. j57little

    Correct condenser for HS40 with light coil

    The condenser in my HS40 us badly rusted so I wanted to replace it. Visually, it appears that a number 29177 may be correct, but I also have a similar condenser that is about two-thirds the length of the original or the 29177. Two questions: 1) which condenser is correct? 2) does the...
  4. L

    wiring a head light to a predator 212cc

    Hey guys, with the days getting shorter and night coming sooner, I hate not being able to ride my bike after dark, which comes at like, 5 o clock during the winter. What I want to do is wire a head light so I don't wrap myself around a tree in the dark. I heard that you can use the coil or...
  5. bikebudy

    Mini Bike Brake Light Switch

    I recall some of you talking about this switch a while back. I knew I had seen them before, so when I came across this I thought I'd post the link. GenuineNOS
  6. markus

    NOS 1968 accessory light kit battery operated

    accessory light kit in original box, still wrapped in newspaper from 1968. You see these on ebay, and thats where I got it recently. I only bought it for the headlight as it was closest to correct that I could find for a build I am working on, but after alot of hunting and research I think I...
  7. David wulf

    Powell model E original tail light and rear brake light switch

    Like it say original Powell model E rear light and probably very rare brake light switch . Light is a pimco and switch was made in England . Has some of the wiring harness with it . This came in a box of parts with my E model when I bought it . He was suppose to find the head light and send it...
  8. Full Throttle

    charge / light coils

    Trying to find some 10/5 amp charge / lighting coils for honda/clone engine , maybe flywheel too.
  9. KustomKartKid

    NOS Peterson PMCO Bonanza / Rupp Tail Light Lens

    NOS Peterson PM CO Bonanza / Rupp tail light lens. PMCO on top and 420-15 on the bottom. Correct style with NO DOT numbers Last one I have. Perfect condition. $25 Shipped_ Paypal only please.
  10. Sport King Eric

    Tecumseh H50 with light coil

    Used H50 with light coil has spark and a broken head bolt also has a Mini bike linkage, 75.00 Mt Clemens MI
  11. rollin2

    I would like to list a Briggs and Stratton neon light for sale.Moderator help please

    Dont know what section to offer a Briggs and Stratton neon.Would like to see it go to someone here before i put it on ebay. So if a Moderator could tell me what section to list it. Thanks
  12. SimpleTom

    Gilson NOS tail light complete

    This has never been mounted on a bike. The one mounting hole still has extra plastic flashing filling it in from the molding process. The scratches you see on the lens are just shelf wear and look much worse in the photo. $55 shipped to your door.
  13. trinik7597

    speaker head light

    head light $25 shipped :thumbsup:
  14. capguncowboy

    NOS Gilson tail light lenses

    I have 3 Gilson Tail Light lenses. All are NOS and in near perfect condition, and if you need one, I probably don't need to explain how difficult they are to find $25 each plus shipping
  15. Not so mini bike

    Some light mods for the windber ride.

    I decided to take apart my Rupp roadster to clean to mud off and try and figure out a better carb setup so the air filter wasn't where I need my leg to be. After speaking with a couple members (thanks David and Tim.) I've decided on mikuni carb and intake with some light mods. Hopefully this...
  16. trinik7597

    pmco tail light

    nice pmco tail light with tag light $30 shipped :thumbsup:
  17. capguncowboy

    Light Switch

    I picked this up for my 70 Rupp, but was able to fix the original. This is a new, never used switch. $20 plus shipping OBO
  18. buckeye

    hs50 crank and light coil

    A shot in the dark but... Thanks for looking.
  19. Mark G

    NOS Peterson PM CO Rupp Bonanza tail light lens

    I have a couple NOS Peterson tail light lenses for sale. PMCO on top and 420-15 on the bottom. NO DOT numbers!! $35 SHIPPED, paypal only please....
  20. motomonster212cc

    1970 Rupp Roadster light switch/cover.

    Looking for a 1970 Rupp Roadster light switch/cover. I could do with just the cover and mount, I have the actual switch.