Vintage Class--jeep4me's BUG FLEA


Well-Known Member
Even sportin the OSU color..proud of ya.:laugh: Well, almost scarlet anyway.

Turned out great jeep!! Very nice work.:thumbsup:
Very tastefully done and I know the camera isn't doing that color any favors. It's far more rich, deep and vibrant but the depth is taking the finish away in photo form. I'd be proud to have it! Nice work Steve! :biggrin::thumbsup:


Active Member
Thanks guys.

I put gas in it and took it out for a spin. Runs great and it's pretty quick. I love how the OldMiniBikes straight pipe sounds on this motor.

Picked up a new chrome gas cap and added a rubber cap on to the end of the kick stand. Just need to put the kill switch on tomorrow. And I'm done.

I'll try to post a video tomorrow as well.


Active Member
Nothing like waiting for the last minute:facepalm:

Sorry for the poor quality video. My phone sucks with video.

The stainless steel chain I used has stretched a bit since I installed it but I've been riding it like it is. This is such a nice little bike. Definetly a keeper.:scooter:

I'd guess the hardest thing you may have done, like many in the build off, is recognize when enough is enough without adding too much stuff. I really like this clean fenderless look and how it lends focus to some of the really nice work and attention to details that you've given. Less stuff to come loose, break, scratch or worry about. Super Nice Jeep4me! I'll take lessons from all as I work on mine! :thumbsup::biggrin: