well im done building stuff for a while sob #%$^&***^%$$

well my night has sucked how about yours ? was working on some exhaust flanges for pipes to go out . and had the chuck wrench slip :censure::censure::censure::censure::censure::censure:
slammed my hand into the drill bit . well in my great luck i split the nuckel of my middle finger open and dont ya know cut the tendon too boot . so the last joint dont extend . shit so go to er and they check it all out and now im possilby looking at hand surgery to fix the tendon . oh great just what i dont god dam need . and not sure how or if i can go back on piler when we start back up from this heat shut down . so ther goes a shit ton of money and more that i dont have . along with all the new tooling i was hopeing to get with the harvest pay .
and the fun i cut the hand i write with . so having to type one handed and hen peck .
so my day has been a bad one .........
hows yours ?:shrug:


Active Member
sorry to hear about that metal man! just make sure they keep the medication coming so you don't feel the pain! :cool2:
I cut the tenden in my palm that controls the thumb.They got it put back together,but hurt like hell.When they have to mess with the nerves,it will hurt after that.Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If you cut the extensor tendon it isn't ad bad as the flexor. Those heal pretty goood. Bout 6 -8weeks and you should be good. Got you on keflex or something hopefully. Did it open the joint too? No big nerves on the extensor side. Lots of occupational therapy to keep it from scaring. Sucks dude.
jrzmac no good meds yet , just the anti bios for infection control . and advil if it hurts

buckeye you have the med field job wright ?
the finger works up to the last joint then it no bend . just half stations out and sits there . they have me on some real horse pills ...augmention ? i think it is .
er doc called i have a apoint tomorrow morning to fix it or what ever they plan to do .
so not looking foward to this :censure::censure:
6 to 8 week recovery , thats what i was thinking it was .:crying::crying:
occupational therapy? like what keep bending it so it moves ? after they fix it of corse .

i was so close to getting stuff setup and for once havung some money . now here i sit all gimped and not able to do any work or make any thing .this is really depressing like you would not beleve . shit i have a snowblower i have to fix for a freind and now how am i going to do that . :shrug:

thanks for the kind words guys
im hoping i can heal up and get back to making stuff soon .


Growing up is optional
I had a friend cut the extension? (the one on top) tendon on his right bird finger for the last joint. You know he never did get that fixed, and it never seemed to bother the dexterity in his hand, but it looked really funny when he flipped you off!


Well-Known Member
That the kind of stuff I do. You said no bend. Is the cut on top or bottom? The way I think you are describing it, it is on top. If so, you almost always have to fix it. If not your bottom tendons are stronger than the top ones. Your bottom,flexors, are stronger than the top,extensors, and it will pull your finger down and it will give you a mallet finger. Not good for someone who uses his hands. Anyway, yep aprox 6 weeks. Hope fully. You may or may not need OT. Therapy. Like I said the top,extensor, is the better to cut, if there's a better. Need any info let me know. You seeing a hand surgeon or a general ortho? For that usually either is ok if extensor tendon.
I had the fun of being rear ended in my big cargo van by a lady talking on the phone and it did not hurt my van. Well I was cleaning up the broken glass from her car all over my step bumper and the roll up door of the van came down and because of the traffic noise I did knot hear it. Well it popped my little finger on my left hand like a grape there I was hopping around on the freeway ( Not a natural move for someone my size ) after many trips to doctors and physical therapist and hot wax dips for my hand the surgeon said the surgery would be to fuse the last finger joint and that made absolutely no since to me so I quit waisting State Farms money and quit going.
And it's not in any way an interference.
But having issues with the middle finger is a whole lot more a set back to normal work using you hand and your gripping power. Hope you stay free of infections and heal up soon.
Steve :scooter:
That the kind of stuff I do. You said no bend. Is the cut on top or bottom? The way I think you are describing it, it is on top. If so, you almost always have to fix it. If not your bottom tendons are stronger than the top ones. Your bottom,flexors, are stronger than the top,extensors, and it will pull your finger down and it will give you a mallet finger. Not good for someone who uses his hands. Anyway, yep aprox 6 weeks. Hope fully. You may or may not need OT. Therapy. Like I said the top,extensor, is the better to cut, if there's a better. Need any info let me know. You seeing a hand surgeon or a general ortho? For that usually either is ok if extensor tendon.
ya its the top one , i can close it in a fist ... well could before the splint/wrapps .but it would not go out strait . the last nuckel would only go out like 45 deg or so and thats all i could make it move. no open force
i think it a bone and joint specialist , the er doc said ther is only 2 in the vally that can fix this . he setup the apoint to go see about fixing this .

for the gross factor ther is still a chunk of im guessing tendon stuck on the bit in the drill . was looking at it today and ther is something on there .


Well-Known Member
Thats good I guess. Hopefully not a chunk missing. If ya can't straighten it, then more than likely is cut. So do I get a deal on a header for the consultation. Hhhaa
Thats good I guess. Hopefully not a chunk missing. If ya can't straighten it, then more than likely is cut. So do I get a deal on a header for the consultation. Hhhaa
it looks like its a small piece of tendon and maybe some skin on there too . not a real big piece but it dont take much im finding out :doah:

on the headers .... i really dont know if i will ever make any more of them . they have proved to be just one big pain in the ass ..... err or would that be hand ? for me to do .
been thinking im going to finish the flange i was doing and keep it as a really expencive key ring . maybe i can get it nickel plated or something .


Well-Known Member
It would be easy if you were a sit-down desk jockey. Really sorry this has befallen you. But, and I know it is easy for me to be philosophical, you have no choice. So my thought, based upon experience, is to plan doing some things you always wanted to do but did never seemed to have time to do.
my dad cut the tendon on his right hand ring finger. he's right handed too.

he cant bend it or move it on command. because of that it got caught one time at his work and he broke it. but its been like that since he was young.
well got some good news today . went to the bone and joint apoint today and the doc said its about the best way a person could split it, nice clean strait cut .the wound has almost sealed shut already so it looks go so far .
they gave me 2 options on it one is go in for surgery and they may put a few stitches in the tendon and clean the wound out . the other is just splint it and watch for infection and stay on the meds . im taking the splint it and meds . even the doc said if he was in my case he would go for the splint and meds over the $4000 plus surgery . not having med coverage i can not afford the surgery and given the doc said if i didnt have the cut on the finger that they would just splint it.
so hopefuly in like 6 to 8 weeks im able to use it again .
so now its just the fun can i still work on the harvest job and make some money to pay for the bills on this finger.
time will tell just what tomorrow brings . this is going to suck wearing this thing for 2 months . but what ya do :shrug:


Growing up is optional
It's the curse of the man who works with his hands, I have my share believe me! Fortunately, I still have all ten, and they work pretty good!