This is a good service reference for troubleshooting pre-emission and emission-compliant carbs (covers OHV). Hits the variants of Briggs tank-mounted carbs and float-bowl type carbs. Useful for any brand engine...
Hi,I have a great running H35 with a 1" shaft and the oil fill on top of the side cover.Did they make a cover for that engine with the fill near the bottom like on our minis?Thanks
For sale is a intake manifold to put a tech carb on a Briggs 5hp motor . And to help sway buyers is a custom throttle setup to make this combo work . You only need a carb and cable Clevis , not getting mine .
Price 35.00 shipped
WTB Tecumseh Power Sport 3.5hp, 4.0hp or 5.0 hp engine like the black engine pictured. I'm looking for a good running, bolt on and go engine for my sons 400TS. I'll consider other good running tech engines too, like the white engine pictured. Thanks :thumbsup:
Can anyone provide the Tecumseh part number for the wire link from the big block H50 throttle assembly on the shroud to the gov, arm. It would be the lower one.
I have a little OHV 5HP Power Sport engine with the governor still attached. I was thinking of removing it. Does anyone make a billet flywheel for these motors, or know where or which model I would need?
Looking for pull start and maybe some other items for OHV 5.5 Tech. Perfer cheap as this is a basket case gokart project that might not work out. Have Paypal. Thanks Doug. 914-494-1288 if you like to text.
I got a bike at the Ann Arbor show with an OHV Tech motor that I think is a 6 or 6.5hp.The motor will start if I shoot gas in the carb but stop shortly after. The numbers on the carb are 5243. I know nothing about these motors--does it need a carb clean or replace? It is the primer ball type...
Does anybody have any software for a JD32 bender? My buddy bought one and then JD2 removed the software they had up on there website. He contacted them and they said they are working with Bend Tech to come up with some software but the Bend Tech software is like $400 plus. I know people on here...
I have tw o tecumseh engines for sale ,5 hp black &3 hp .I would rather sell them here where they will be used instead of scrapped. I've heard both run with no problems. the 5hp i'll take$ 150 shipped.$100 for 3hp shipped lower 48 states. on me with questions or offers.
can someone tell me what size tecumseh engine this is :shrug: got this with a bonanza purchase i know it was not original to the bike it has a lighting coil but the fly wheel threads are sheared of the crank and at first i was just going to trash it but then i figured i would crack it open and...
My TAV trail Horse build might need a new gas tank. I'm looking for some homemade versions or versions done on the cheap that look cool.
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