Cafe/Cruiser Scratch Build

You could slit your rectangular tubing back about 2-3" across the top only and pull it in to make the top side a thinner profile so it matches the up rights and weld the seems back up. :shrug:
Thank you bigrob:

Started grinding the rear supportsto see if it would fit up and it did fit pretty good. I mounted the bearing flanges and cheezed the tubing with a couple big holes in it. There's angle support tubing coming for the rear section supports. Hopefully this will be a roller this coming weekend
Thanks Clayon and mopar70..

I tacked on the axle support section to see how it sets. Rear wheel needs a slight shift to align correctly, the way I mounted it I have no adjustment. Had I set the section with the axle mounted in the jig I wouldn't have had this, no big deal. Overall I think it'll work pretty good. Its a lot smaller than the Drag Bike I did and looks like it should handle good,


New Member
That should work real well for the wife and kids. Won't run out from under them. Course you could set a truck on there and nothing would bend. Waltisized
There's proof of reason for being a Welding Instructor. Nice stuff Walt!
You right, I'm absolutely blind. Lens Crafters can't make my glasses in an hour, they look like Venetian Blinds..:scared:

The rear section is squared and welded on. I capped off the tubing on the rear of each axle support. I had issue with the wheel not square to the supports. I ended up cutting back the right axle support 3/32nd's to parallel the brake rotor to the supports. I clamped the front legs with parallel clamps and spaced the legs with the trees, one on top and one on the bottom temporarily. The axle bushing are then welded in the fork legs centering the front wheel in the leg span. I'm about ready to mount the front end and weld the trees in postion.
One word, impressive! I love that jig. Last night I began building my own but it's a start but not quite what you have going there. I like the idea of splicing the bars. I have been doing two bends to a bar which usually ends up with a slight twist I have to muscle out of it. I am inspired! I have looked at the notcher at HF but the local store never has it in stock to check out in person, think I may just order it now. I am getting sick of grinding all my joints trial an error to get a good fit.

Keep up the good work.