OK I'm Calling It Officially Done
But first I would like to "THANK " these members that helped me out with either parts or Info.
Hent & Viki (Drew & Viki ) for this great forum and the OldMiniBikes Warehouse .
manchester1 (Karen) for the awesome seat .
Nick (Ride SF ) for the frame and shipping it to me.
minikenny ( Kenny ) for this great little HS40 Tec engine...thanks buddy ! :thumbsup:
CarPlay LB ( Eric ) for the Bonanza clutch cover.
Cheezy & mrpat (Bill & Pat) for hosting this build off again....great job guys ! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Not to mention all the members that helped out with some great advice ...:wink:
Here are the pics.....not tha best but here they are. I'll try to do a ride video this weekend maybe if weather permits.
As I said in the first post " I'm Just Glad To Be Here ! "