New guy from Kentucky

greetings ladies and gents! ive been trolling the forum for a while and decided i should introduce myself. growing up, i always wanted a minibike, but could never seem to afford or find one(before craigslist). now that im grown and have a son of my own, the minibike bug has bit again. ive already built 2 bikes, and ive got a handful more that id like to im always on the lookout for more project bikes. the ideas and the high level of build quality that ive seen on this forum are intimidating... there are some truly gifted people on this site. keep up the good work folks!:thumbsup:
Welcome to the OldMiniBikes slick73 : The OldMiniBikes is if it was a school subject this would be Mini Bike 101, and there is always lots of help and friendship here so enjoy the fun.
these are the two bikes i built last summer. the white one is mine(i believe a scat cat) and it was given to me by a guy i used to work with. it was under his house in the craw space for 30 some odd years. the red manco tbird, i built for my cousin. it started our minibike obsessions. both bikes are running clone motors. my cousin sold his manco to help pay for his schooling so im trying now to replicate his bike for his upcoming birthday 2014-06-18 20.14.04.jpg
I haven't been on here real long either and I was intimidated also when I saw the quality of some of the builds on here. I found out quickly though that there was no reason to be intimidated because everyone on here is extremely nice and super helpful. I met a lot of awesome people on here so far and they are all willing to help out with whatever they can. There's a lot of knowledge on this board!!